Whole 30 :: days 8-14

I lost my draft for this post… Waaaah! Truth be known it’s probably a blessing; I’m pretty sure my week one log was the most boring post I’ve ever written in my entire life. I thought that journaling my food and impressions might be a nice way to keep track of my Whole 30 experience but to be honest it’s actually not been THAT difficult a transition for me. I’ve certainly noticed physical and mental changes since the beginning, but I’ve not experienced some of the wild ups and downs that many people face when transitioning to a whole foods diet, largely I assume because I already ate sugar-free most of the time.

Now that I’ve finished week two of the Whole 30 program, I’m starting to think this is a lifestyle that I might be able to maintain. I’m feeling good. I don’t have energy dips, my snacking is decreasing, I’m rarely hungry between meals, I’ve had no further hypoglycaemic mornings, I’ve managed a few runs and a gym strength class, I’m sleeping more soundly (though L is still waking me at least once overnight for a feed).

I’ve had two social outings in the last week, the first of which was hard but surprisingly successful! We went to Newcastle for a friend’s birthday and they were beautifully tolerant of my choice, offering a delicious chicken and corn soup (serving rice and bread on the side) and fruit salad as well as cake for dessert. I didn’t feel left out in the slightest. It was the travel that was hard; even though I had a very hearty and nutritionally dense breakfast before we left I just didn’t have enough snacks on hand to boost my meal while we were away. A good thing to remember for next time!

The second outing was a catch up with a friend and our kids at our local cafe. I ordered a pot of tea, no milk, no honey… And added a good schlook of coconut milk that I brought along. Too easy! And no judgement/questions/eyebrow raising. I love my friends!

Oh! And I’ve been largely coffee free since starting too. I had my first… and last… when we went to Newy. I’d taken my trusty coconut milk bottle with me and poured some in. Yuck! Hahahah. I’m loving coconut milk in a variety of teas but I just cannot. do. coconut. coffee. No siree.

Today I had my first real moment of weakness when T and MissC made some cookies. That smell… Lordy.

So that’s week two! Feeling really good, loving my energy levels.

Jenn xx

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Two Beautiful Bunnies

I'm a mama to two beautiful babies. I have started this blog to gather my thoughts and try to improve who I am as a person but particularly as a mother, wife, daughter and sister.